consulting & planning
My areas of expertise in business and manufacturing are the assumption of development work and income control as well as positions in the administration of waste management companies. Additionally, I also develop customer-specific waste management concepts.
Plastic industry and waste management are my home - Europe and Asia my territory.
There are tasks which require an impartial expert from the “outside”. I am such an expert. My subject-specific technical qualifications connect perfectly with my social competence when dealing with employees and customers alike.
Breaching national European and Asian boundaries – on small as well as large scales – I bring people, technical challenges and companies together.
Plastic Industry Waste Management Raw Material- and Facility Interim Management Manufacturing Organization Expert on Europe and China Project ManagementAgriculture and Forestry Temporal Management FunctionsSearching for Business Partners Cooperation with Research Intercultural
The competences of SPIESCONSULT are extensive. If you are interested and want to know more, get in touch with me and I will answer all of your questions.